Improving the general health status in low-income settings
Epidemiological Laboratory
The development of the Epi-Lab is an example of maximizing opportunities and developing a creative approach to addressing challenges and obstacles in a resource-limited environment.
The idea was formulated as part of the doctoral thesis of the then-director of the Sudan National Tuberculosis Programme (Asma I. Elsony) 1996-2004. The center was established on two cornerstones:

Professor Asma Elsony
Professor El Sony has led and contributed work, published Public Health Action (PHA), the Lancet, he International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IJTLD), Elsevier Journals, PubMed Central (PMC), the WHO Bulletin among other-reviewed journals in the discipline plus chapters in 3 books, with a 4th in press.
Professor El Sony has published nearly 50 articles and delivered dozens of papers and lectures internationally, a number, of which are keynote addresses.
She has a paper writing strategy that will deliver a series of publications from the 700,000 portfolio, of Global Fund, MRC, LHL/NORAD, WHO, funded projects. Professor El Sony has initiated and been attached to collaborating research groups in various countries Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Malawi Ethiopia, South Africa, Benin, India, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Sudan.
She currently heads the Regional Committee for MDR TB [rGLC/EMRO], worked in STAG TB Geneva and TDR both STAG and SAC.
Epi-lab Sections
- Tuberculosis Control & Prevention Section
- Zoonotic Tuberculosis Section
- Asthma Section
- Child Lung Health Section
- Tobacco Control and Prevention Section
- Gender & Anthropological Section
- Health Economic

Tuberculosis Control & Prevention
The overall goal of the Tuberculosis Control and Prevention Section is to support national tuberculosis programs in Sudan and countries of the Region, to reduce the disease burden and suffering attributable to tuberculosis

Zoonotic Tuberculosis
The general goal of the section is to eradicate tuberculosis in animal and human herds in the country. The section is divided into the following units: Surveillance unit, Laboratory unit ,Eradication unit and Wildlife unit.

Asthma Section
The asthma section works to promote the understanding and management of asthma in Sudan, the region and internationally through preparation of models for asthma control and scientific research in asthma and COPD which can be expanded for implementation in Wide Nation Scale.

Child Lung Health Section
A feasible, cost-effective and sustainable model for delivering services for treatment and prevention of child lung disease.

Tobacco Control and Prevention Section
The section including four unions divided as followed and details information will be available about separate activities upon requested : Cessation Programmes ,Health Education and Advocacy , Legislation and Research .

Gender & Anthropological Section
The Gender & Anthropological Section explores the intricate relationships between gender roles and cultural practices across different societies. Our aim is to understand and highlight how gender dynamics influence social structures, traditions, and daily life. Through research, education, and community engagement, we strive to promote gender equality and cultural awareness.

Health Economic Section
The Health Economic Section is dedicated to understanding the economic factors that influence health and healthcare systems. We analyze the cost-effectiveness of health interventions, healthcare policies, and resource allocation to ensure sustainable and efficient healthcare delivery. Our research and advocacy efforts aim to improve health outcomes while managing costs effectively.